A Soldier's Best Friend【電子書籍】[ Kenn Dahll ]
<p>The Army breeds aggressive competitors. Private Liam Kelly, a Boston intellectual, almost comes to blows with another private, Austin Brown, a Texan redneck, during dog-handling training before deployment to Afghanistan. An antagonistic relationship in a war zone can get one killed, so the two warily keep their distance. An ambush leaves them sole survivors in an enemy-infested wilderness far from their base, forcing the pair into a dangerous trek. Days spent trying to sleep under a small tarp, hiking in tattered uniforms, hungry, and tired as, accompanied by their bomb-sniffing dogs, they use nighttime to hike across treacherous terrain toward their home base.?</p> <p>?</p> <p>'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' appears the safest way to go, but Liam finds nothing safe in the Afghan wilds, and comes out to Austin one night, feeling that if death awaits him out here, then he would rather not die as a phony. To his vast surprise, it doesn't seem to make much difference to Austin, and one night he wakes to find his companion spooning with himーand then more.</p> <p>?</p> <p>Liam enjoys the newfound closeness, but wonders what will happen whenーifーthey get back to base. An alliance in the wilderness is one thing, but could the intrusion of the 'real world' lead to disaster?</p> <p>?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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ベスト 関連ツイート
RT @King47Ynwa: 抽選前に流れた、ベスト8進出チームの紹介動画がかなりかっこいい。
🏴🇳🇱🇮🇹🇵🇹🇪🇸 https://t.co/YrWJnKVWTq@ujitai23 2019/03/17 15:39
@Beckhamkun5943 2019/03/17 15:37
RT @YahooNewsTopics: 【仏デモ警官隊と衝突 街が煙に】
フランスでマクロン政権に抗議する黄色いベスト運動のデモが16日、18週連続で行われた。凱旋門周辺に集まった参加者に過激派が加わり、警官隊と激しく衝突。多…@popopepipa 2019/03/17 15:38